Sunday, October 20, 2013

TOW #6: Article: Teens and Sleep

I found this article interesting because junior year has taken quite a toll on my sleeping pattern...last year, I was so tired if I didn't go to bed before 10:30! This year, I'm happy with going to bed by 11:30! "Teens and Sleep" provides facts, consequences, solutions, and data about sleep and the lack of it. It starts off with facts, how sleep is obviously needed for the body to function properly, and the irregular pattern of a teenager's sleeping life. Followed by the facts, are the consequences. Lack of sleep limits a persons ability to learn and concentrate. It could also contribute to illness, and effect behavior. Some solutions include making sleep a priority, and sort of obvious things like get your homework done and stay on top of things. The poll data includes research with teenager's mood changes that come with the lack of sleep. The author of this article, reaches out to adolescents who are struggling with a sleep problem. Maybe parents, too, can read this to get more information to help their kid who barely sleeps anymore. The author uses facts and research to backup the purpose. The purpose of this article is clearly that sleep is important and is a necessity in ones life. The entire section with facts and data provides accurate examples to prove to the reader that the author is credible, and to prove that sleep is important. "Research shows that lack of sleep affects mood, and a depressed mood can lead to lack of sleep." It all sort of seems to be a cycle...lack of sleep can affect a mood, but yet being stressed out can also prevent sleep, which then follows in a circle. As a teenager myself, I believe the author achieved their purpose. I agree with majority of the things stated, and the facts and research really helped me understand the purpose with more depth. This article also taught me a lesson. I wasn't aware of some of the consequences lack of sleep could bring, so from now on, I am going to try extra hard to not procrastinate so I can get the sleep I need. After all, 5-6 hours a night isn't working out too well for me. 

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