Sunday, October 13, 2013

TOW #5: Article: Benefits of Chocolate Milk After Your Workout

Benefits of Chocolate Milk After Your Workout
By: Jeff Bayer

After a long, hard workout in the gym, on the track, or on the field, athletes often wonder what the best food is to put in their mouth. Many people like to reward themselves on the sweet side; a candy, a cookie, or an ice cream cone. They feel as though they've earned it from burning calories, but then their peers tell them how they just ruined a solid workout with junk food. Obviously something healthy with protein is a good post-workout snack, but turns out, so is chocolate milk. Athletes can get their calcium, protein, and a little sugar! Benefits of Chocolate Milk After Your Workout by Jeff Bayer is an article strictly on why chocolate milk is a standard after workout treat! Through facts and cause & effect, Bayer lets readers know the benefits of drinking chocolate milk after a workout. He provides the protein content, carbohydrate content, and calcium content. Supporting himself with facts, Jeff Bayer is credible to the subject. For instance, "Also, a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that, when taken immediately after exercise, milk-based proteins promote greater muscle protein synthesis than soy-based proteins." or "A study by the International Journal of Sports Nutrition had subjects perform three interval-style, exhaustion workout sessions on separate days, and then monitored the recovery that was demonstrated. The subjects consumed either chocolate milk or a carbohydrate replacement fluid post-workout." Those facts lead into cause & effect, for the athletes who drank chocolate milk during the interval session showed enhanced performance showing that the carbs in the chocolate milk were doing a better job in recovery. Also, according to Bayer, "By drinking post-workout chocolate milk you will increase your daily calcium intake, and increase the likelihood of an optimal power stroke." Throughout the whole article, Bayer is stating the cause & effects of drinking chocolate milk after a workout and also incorporating facts. With these methods, he informs the audience -- whether its an athlete or any person who is curious after their daily exercise -- that chocolate milk is beneficial and should be consumed after workouts. I believe that Bayer achieved his purpose, he backed himself up with solid facts and proved the benefits to the human body after drinking chocolate milk after or during a workout.

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