Sunday, October 6, 2013

Tow #4: Visualization: No-Smoking-Ad


               Smoking is an addictive habit that for some people that isn't easy to break. Unfortunately for them, with smoking comes several consequences, one of them being lung cancer. Smoking should not be done, there are people everyday who suffer from lung cancer or gum disease because they didn't and don't want to quit smoking. Some of those people even being parents, or roll models for their children. Others being teachers you would never expect smoked. The purpose of this picture is to keep smokers aware that if they want lung cancer, then they should keep smoking. Who wants lung cancer? Exactly. This ad is ironic because literally, it's saying to keep smoking to get more information on lung cancer. But really, all it is portraying is a warning to smokers, that if they do not stop, lung cancer could be a consequence. Also sarcasm, which is a form of irony, could be perceived from this visual because it could be taken a little more harsh, but then again, that is what it is supposed to do. It is supposed to come across to smokers that they will get lung cancer if they do not quit. The Lung Association of British Colombia, the owner of this picture, clearly knows the impacts of lung cancer and the causes. Afterall, they are The Lung Association. By reaching out to smokers, I believe this visual achieves it's purpose because it lets smokers know that they're risk of lung cancer is very high. Everyday smokers need to be reminded the effects of smoking, their well being is at risk, and the consequences could be severe. This ad also could get to the heart of those dealing with a smoker, someone who wants their loved one to quit terribly, because they know what the outcomes could be.

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