Sunday, January 12, 2014

TOW #15: 8 Kind Things You Should Tell Yourself Every Day

8 Kind things You Should Tell Yourself Every Day

Sometimes, especially being a teenager, maintaing self confidence can be difficult. People are constantly judging you, looking down upon you, and comparing you to others. Who needs the negativity though? Shouldn't the compliments other people give us be more important? This is why I found this article interesting. As a teenage girl, I know what it can be like to struggle with self confidence and sometimes some insane courage is all you need. This article, "8 Things You Should Tell Yourself Every Day" is sort of a list as well. Hence the "8 Things". Beginning the article, the author really draws in the audience's attention. The audience being basically anyone. By using first and second person, the author establishes an emotional appeal because the reader feels as though the author experiences the same feelings. Also, the tone throughout the article/list is very up lifting and positive; making the reader feel happy and inspired. The author uses the positive tone to achieve a sense of pride in the reader, and to deliver the purpose that you are important and one should not forget to be kind to him/herself. For example, "Today, recognize how capable and wonderful you are on the inside and the outside." Reading that, I, being a part of the audience, wants to keep reading and feel a sense of kindness. Although the list is brief, it gets the point across. "I am enough." "I am beautiful" all 8 things are positive, happy things people should tell themselves everyday. I believe as a reader, the author got the purpose across. By using a positive tone especially, as well as first and second person. Also, by using pictures, the author brings out even more emotions from the reader because the pictures are so sweet and fit the article perfectly. Something great about this article is that I can pass it on to people and hope to make their day a little better as well. Because I know for me, after reading this, I felt great.

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