Sunday, January 5, 2014

TOW #14: Article: "The Pre-Race Meal"

"The Pre-Race Meal"
By: Matt Fitzgerald

Since I am a runner, and I race at least once every week beginning from December and until July, I always have to make sure my body is being fueled properly. Eating healthy is important especially to those who are active and athletic because without the proper nutrition, their ability to perform won't be as strong. "The Pre-Race Meal" is an article that describes and informs the audience the correct way to fuel the body before a race. It includes the importance of timing a pre-race meal, and what exactly that meal should be. Surprisingly, Fitzgerald recommends eating more carbohydrates prior to a race, rather than protein and especially fiber and fat. Following what the meal should contain and the timing, Fitzgerald includes five different foods a runner could consider eating on race day. I was able to connect a lot to this portion of the article because I usually eat a bagel and a banana on race days. As for the author's purpose, Fitzgerald uses facts to inform the reader on important eating habits before running races. Specifically, under the sub section "What To Eat", Fitzgerald includes facts about low-glycemic indexes, blood glucose levels, and other important variables a runner should consider when eating before their workout or race. Also, when the author listed all of the foods a runner could eat, he had facts to back up why they would be logical before a race. By providing facts for the reader, Fitzgerald is also establishing a sense of credibility because the facts prove his article is legitimate. The audience of "The Pre-Race Meal" are clearly runners, and runners who may be running a race or know someone who is competing as well. I think the author achieved his purpose because being a runner myself I learned a lot and am going to consider all of Fitzgerald's recommendations next time I have a track meet. 

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