Sunday, November 24, 2013

TOW #10: Article: Myth or Fact: Celery Has Negative Calories

Myth of Fact: Celery Has Negative Calories

Many people believe that celery has "negative calories", meaning that, eating celery will burn calories. The truth is, is that celery is about equivalent to water. Although water, when cold, can work better for the human body because bringing cold water up to our body temperature takes energy. Celery can be considered as  "negative calories" because the human body cannot process any of the plant calories it actually does contain. Whenever a human eats celery, it passes through their digestive system without being processed. A stalk of celery may total to around 6 calories, and our body uses around 6 calories of energy to digest, therefore the resulting in celery being considered as a "negative calorie" food. The author of this article, achieves their purpose with the use of similes and facts. The author compares eating celery to sleeping, which proves to the audience the truth about celery. "Eating celery all day long would make about as much difference as sleeping all day would." By comparing the two, a reader can realize the impact celery may actually have on their body. Although celery is considered a negative calorie food, it still would take a very long time to have a direct effect on the human body. Clearly this simile is backed up by facts, which the author also uses to reveal the truth about celery. People who want to eat celery to lose weight often end up gaining weight because eating so little calories can end up having a negative effect on the human body. "Most scientific studies have shown that restrictive calorie diets can cause more weight gain in the long term through period of yo-yo dieting; those who instead eat sensibly without restricting calories gain less weight over time." Also, in the beginning of the article, the author tells the audience as to why the human body does not process any calories when eating celery. Through facts, the author displays to the audience (people trying to lose weight, dietitians) the truth about celery. As a curious reader myself, I think the author achieved their purpose. I was always curious about this, and maybe found my answer.

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