Monday, September 2, 2013

The Bitch is Back
Sandra Tsing Loh

The Bitch is Back is an essay about women and their mid life phase of menopause. It describes a womans feelings and emotions she experiences during menopause. The unbalance of her hormones at this time in her life also messes with her moods and tolerance of those around her. The essay provides examples of women in their menopausal stage including the author herself and her own personal experiences. Reaching out to the audience of other women who may be approaching or experiencing their own mid life menopausal stage, this essay describes what women go through while also providing books to help, or something along those lines. Also, as a female who isn't apporaching menopause anytime soon, I was able to embrace the intense emotions women do feel through this process in life. To those readers my age or others who may know a women in their mid 40s-60s, they can try and connect the behavior of the woman they know to the behavior described in the essay.
Sandra Tsing Loh has written several books and is a regular tributor to The Atlantic, which is where The Bitch is Back is from. The purpose of writing The Bitch is Back is to explain to readers the stage of menopause and what it could be like to go through it. It also explains the reasoning for some womens strange behavior, such as unbalanced hormones, or fertility. I definitely think that Sandra Tsing Loh reached her purpose, but in a really intense way. Although I can't be for sure if she may be exaggerating at some points because I have not yet experienced menopause.
There were both some metaphors and similies used throughout the essay to emphasize menopause and also describing certain books that are about menopause. "Dry as it may seem, though, one menopause book does rise like Mount Etna above the rest."(221) Sandra Tsing Loh is describing The Wisdom of Monopause, a 656 page all about menopause. Or how about describing "the Hour of the Wolf" aka around 4:00 pm when all women seem to hit a slump in the day. "how many of our inner wolves appear at afternoon carpool time" (221) Hence the inner wolf, Loh is comparing a wild animal to how a menopausal women feels during this hour.

Source                                                          "Menopause"
                                                                   Midlife problems.

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