Sunday, March 16, 2014

TOW #21: Advertisement

        For years now, the competition between PC and Mac has existed and continues to, leading to advertisements like the one above. This advertisement was a PC ad, and it features a Macbook calling a PC a "nerd" and the PC calling a mac a "pretty boy". With personification and diction, PC argues that Macbook contains only attractiveness, rather than value.
         The words nerd and pretty boy, are simple words that can be understood by all audiences, which is effective in the case that PC wants to convince its audience of which computer is better. Clearly stated, the PC is calling the Mac a pretty boy because PC believes that the only thing a mac has is looks and an appeal to the human eye. On the other hand, the Macbook is calling the PC a nerd because although it may be smarter, the laptop is less attractive. Through their word choice, PC is able to argue that they are the more effective computer because they contain the "smarter" applications.
        In addition to word choice, the ad obviously portrays personification. Computers can't talk to each other, but with the use of personification, the ad displays humor and effectively delivers the message that PC is the better computer. This appeals to the audience and makes the advertisement easier to comprehend and keeps the competition exciting.
        In conclusion, with the use of personification and diction, dell successfully delivers its argument and displays that it is the better computer, and that Mac is only successful with its attractiveness. It also makes the audience wonder if its true, does mac only value looks? Is PC really the better computer? Nowadays, mac is statistically the more popular computer, but with this ad, it rises pause throughout the audience whether or not they are making the best choice when they choose which computer they are using.

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